Idle Musings or Here's What I think about When I'm Housebound
There was a huge silver maple tree outside of my city home. On more than one occasion I’d find myself on a beautiful summer day sitting in my living room reading a book or something. I’d look up at the tree, marveling at the thick beautiful canopy, filled with the activity of birds, squirrels, and insects. Right then and there I’d make a pledge to myself that I’d somehow savor this moment. I would “bottle it up” inside of me, like preserves made at the end of the summer. And then, when I needed it in the middle of winter, I’d pull it out and enjoy the fruits of summer.
It would sustain me me in the winter when my thoughts run something like this:
Summer, oh Summer, Summer, Summer... I promise that I will never again take you for granted; not even when you give me a solid week of 90+ degrees with high humidity. I admit I took the occasional nap when I could have been out frolicking with you. And maybe I tuned in with the air conditioning a few evenings when I should have been out with you gazing at the stars. But, I swear I was wrong. I need you, Summer! I’ve tried to forget you, but I can’t! Oh, please, please come back!
Like all of my quixotic musings, it remains beyond my grasp.
This week finds me sick with a bad, bad cold. Despite the aches, fever and pain, it cannot be the flu, right? I mean, I dutifully received my flu shot this year, at the advice of my new doctor who assured me I’d not regret it what with the record number of sick people she’d already seen in her office.
I checked to see which strains were chosen this year for the CDC flu shot:
On February 23, 2012 the WHO recommended that the Northern Hemisphere's 2012-2013 seasonal influenza vaccine be made from the following three vaccine viruses:
• an A/California/7/2009 (H1N1)pdm09-like virus;
• an A/Victoria/361/2011 (H3N2)-like virus;
• a B/Wisconsin/1/2010-like virus (from the B/Yamagata lineage of viruses).
I’m certain there is a science to it, but to me it looks like they picked the top flu of each of the past 3 years, 2009-2011, and combined them.
My husband and I missed a New Year’s Day celebration with long time friends this year, despite having gone to their home nearly every January 1, for almost 30 years. I’d like to think that my foremost intent was to keep others from becoming sick by spreading germs, but if I’m completely honest with myself (New Year’s resolution # 27), it also had to do with vanity and the fact that I look terrible with red swollen eyes and have actual abrasion of skin around my face from constant wiping with tissues. (So sorry we couldn’t make it, J & M!)
Oh, and will you just look at my new x-country skis, bindings and boots sitting unused under the tree? Meanwhile, the snow outside turns rock hard from constant daytime melt and nighttime freeze. So, until we get some fresh powder and I get better, I’m not going to get to use them.
I will gird my loins and fight back!
I mix up a batch of "Jewish penicillin."
I vow, right here and now, that I will never again take my good health for granted (New Year’s resolution # 11). I will always appreciate my days of energy, exuberance, vim, vitality and vigor. I will jump out of bed, ready to enthusiastically begin each and every day.
Good health, oh good health, good health, good health... I promise that I will never again take you for granted; not even when...... Wait, I think I feel the NyQuil kicking in... Zzzzz
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