Halloween Candy
This is the time of the year that we usually have tons of leftover halloween candy, which my husband and I eventually eat. For this reason we tend to buy our favorites. This year we didn’t, the exception being the fun-size Snickers which were eaten long before Halloween.
This year, besides the long-gone Snickers, we have KitKats, plain M&Ms, and Skittles. Don’t get me wrong, we’ll still eat the leftovers, but it isn’t the same as when we have our favorites like, PayDay, Peanut M&Ms, Baby Ruth, Mr. Goodbar and Heath Bars. Notice a pattern? Except for the PayDay, they all contain chocolate and except for the Heath Bar they all contain nuts.
When we were both working, I used to take most of the leftover candy to work. I worked with undergrads at a university and they seemed to be perpetually hungry. Now, we live in a rural community, that while not quite a retirement community is pretty darn close. We have a handful of families with children living here, but they seem to be so few and definitely far between. I’m not sure how many, if any, children will actually trick or treat here.
I took a brake...
Well okay, enough time has passed for me to tell you that we’ve not a single child ring our bell. In our former city home, where we lived for over 30 years, the doorbell rang all evening long on Halloween. When you answered, there could be anywhere from one child to 20 children. Ours was a neighborhood of single-family homes, so many families from apartment-laden neighborhoods would drive over, park and trick-or-treat in this “safer” area.
We realized that it was likely not one child would come tonight, but like a Boy Scout, we were prepared!
Wait a minute!!! I see a Snicker bar. That sucker is mine!
Well, it sounds like you are definitely moving toward Peace & Quiet!!! If it gets too quiet, Pooky can come visit for a weekend. ;)