Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Meet Alice-Nee

I haven’t been blogging lately. Perhaps you hadn’t noticed?

Anyway, I had “hypothetical” brain surgery… before I go on, let me repeat HYPOTHETICAL, as in “artificial” or “imaginary,” as in it didn’t actually happen. I mention this because in current times people often skim over reading material. Then four months from posting this I will get a message from my brother saying, “I didn’t know you had brain surgery! Why didn’t you tell me?” And I will know he’s decided to check up on my well-being by taking a cursory glance at my blog, since I’ve not the usual means of  checking up on a person: a Facebook account.

(It would not be my intention to make light of actual brain surgery. This was the imagery that was given me, as you will see if you choose to read.)

What first piqued my interest in the neuroplasticity of the brain and thus in meditation was an article I read years back about neuroscientists scanning the brains of Tibetan monks and finding a marked increase in measurement in the part of the brain that is activated when feeling compassion:

IN A STRIKING difference between novices and monks, the latter showed a dramatic increase in high-frequency brain activity called gamma waves during compassion meditation. Thought to be the signature of neuronal activity that knits together far-flung brain circuits, gamma waves underlie higher mental activity such as consciousness. The novice meditators "showed a slight increase in gamma activity, but most monks showed extremely large increases of a sort that has never been reported before in the neuroscience literature," says Prof. Davidson, suggesting that mental training can bring the brain to a greater level of consciousness. 

-Scans of Monks' Brains Show Meditation Alters Structure, Functioning By Sharon Begley 
5 November 2004, Published in The Wall Street Journal (Copyright (c) 2004, Dow Jones & Company, Inc.)

And who doesn’t want to be a more compassionate human being?! thought I.

I’d been dabbling in meditation, more off than on, for a bit of time when I recently decided, perhaps it’s time to get serious.

I look online to see if there is a place where I can learn proper meditation techniques. I live in a rural Illinois county with a population density of 35 persons per square mile, an area where the livestock greatly outnumber us humans. So, I’ll be satisfied if I can find help within a 70 mile radius.

And darned if I don’t find, just forty miles away, the place I’m looking for. I apply and am accepted.

I drop my belongings off in the room I’ve been assigned, room 126. There are two identical single beds in the room. I’ve arrived early in the registration process, and so it appears that I have a choice of the two beds. I choose the bed on the left side of the small room, nearest the hallway door. The other bed is next to the bathroom door. I stake my claim by placing my bedding, which consists of sheets, pillow and sleeping bag, on the thin mattress. I then proceed to neatly store everything I’ve brought with me, clothing, toiletries and sundries, making certain to take a bit less than half of the space on the left side of the closet, the left side of the single nightstand and the left side of the bathroom shelving unit. 

I take a final look around at the space and  head back to the registration/dining hall. As I walk through the dormitory hallway, I glance in a room where a registrant is unpacking. The room has bunkbeds. I’m happy that my room does not. 

The volunteer in the dining hall checks my name off the printed list. I notice that the space for the other bed in my room is blank. All of the other rooms on the list seem to have two printed names each assigned to them. Is it possible that I will have no roommate? I dare not get my hopes up.  There could have been a late cancellation and her replacement is on her way. We were cautioned that the waiting lists are long and that vacancies are filled immediately.

The volunteer checks off my name and hands me a small booklet to read, along with a form to fill out. She instructs me to present the completed form to the female teaching assistant for a brief interview. Then I will be free to explore the grounds or such until 5 p.m., at which time there will be a light dinner and group orientation. 

The teaching assistant, a cordial woman, with the bluest eyes I’ve ever seen, takes the completed form from me, thanks me and hands me a paper stating the rules I have pledged to follow for the next ten days. She asks me to review the rules and to sign the paper. Among the rules are: no electronic devices of any kind, no reading materials, no paper or pencils for note taking or writing, no physical contact with anyone, no drugs or alcohol, no killing, — they don't necessarily mean humans. I mean, who would kill someone at a meditation retreat? Rather, I am pledging to not kill insects. If I were to happen upon a bug that does not belong in the dorm I am to gently remove it with a cup or such and take it outdoors for release...

I will eat two meals per day, a vegetarian diet, actually a vegan diet, although there will be milk available for those who wish to supplement with it. I will practice complete celibacy, so no sexual contact, sexual misconduct or "conduct of any nature related to an act of sex" and I’m guessing they mean masturbation. (We are instructed to be careful not to even stretch in front of anyone in what might be interpreted by another as a sexually enticing manner.) 

Finally for the nine of the next ten days I will refrain from talking or from any type of non-verbal communication, including gestures, smiles and eye contact, the exception is that I may speak to the teaching assistants if I have an issue. I also pledge to tell no lies (so basically, I’ll not lie to the teaching assistants or to the teacher, since there is no one else to whom I can lie—except myself...) 

I hand her my cell phone. “Have you turned it off?” asks the blue-eyed assistant? “Yes,” I reply. She places my phone in an individual container with my specific coding and then into another container to be stowed in a locked area until my departure. 

I walk and familiarize myself with the grounds, which have meandering bicameral walking paths, with posted signs indicating “female boundary” or “male boundary.” I hear the sound of machinery and look up to see a large John Deere tractor on a working family farm visible on the property next door. Across the road is a small county recreation area that features a manmade multi-lake system for recreational fishing and for the teaching and honing of dog retrieval skills. 

It's early spring, and although the shrubs and trees are budding and the early bloomers, like crocus, have begun to erupt, and the proper migratory birds are proudly announcing their arrival, the daytime temperatures are still only in the mid-thirties to upper forties (Fahrenheit.)

About 4:30 p.m. I walk back to the dining hall and take a seat in the now full room. Most of the retreatants seem to be in their 20s through 40s. Only a handful are older adults like myself.

Single rows of rectangular tables, each seating four, are set up on adjacent sides of the hall, one side for the women, one side for the men. There is a heavy curtain that can be drawn to completely separate the sides.

I choose a table toward the back of the room, where sits a tall, lean woman. She appears near in age to my own adult offspring. Having arrived later, she has only just finished her interview with the female teaching assistant. She turns to me with a warm smile and introduces herself and as we talk, another retreatant joins us.

We are called to dinner, which consists of a spicy, curried Indian soup, cornbread, tea or water and cookies for dessert. The soup and cornbread are delicious and I devour every bit of food on my plate as everyone continues to talk and laugh. 

The orientation begins with the logistics and common sense rules, (like, don’t approach the wild geese protecting their nests) a reminder to faithfully follow the time schedule, and again, a repeat of the pledges of abstention we have made. We  have our first discourse on meditation. Then, it is 8:00 p.m., we are dismissed and we officially begin our nine-day “noble silence” as we walk to our rooms for “lights out” at 9:30 p.m.

A late-comer retreat roommate not yet appeared in my room, (nor did she ever.) I take a shower, change into my pajamas and crawl into my sleeping bag... The wake up bell will ring at 4:00 a.m. tomorrow.

In general I feel at ease and take readily to the quiet and solitude of the meditation retreat, like a fish to water, as they say.  I’ve been an early riser my whole life, but there is this leaking flapper problem in the bathroom, and as it turns out, it is perpetual. About every 30-40 minutes a tiny, almost imperceptible drip would lower the water level in the tank. This receding thus eventually causing the toilet to automatically refill, as if it had been flushed. Being a “institutional” toilet it's a bit loud. It takes me until 1 a.m. to adjust to the sound of the phantom flushing before I fall asleep.

Still I feel fine when just three hours later the wake up bell peals in the hallway outside my door. I rise, shower and dress and am dutifully seated for meditation from 4:30 a.m. until our breakfast break at 6:30. We have group meditation from 8 - 9 a.m., then I may meditate in my room (with my door open) or in the meditation hall from 9 a.m. until 11 a.m. at which time we take our lunch break.

Meditation resumes at 1 p.m. I am doing well.

It is around 3 p.m., smack in the middle of group meditation that my 65 year old body begins to rebel against sitting in half-lotus.  My oh-so-soft zafu cushion, brought with me from home, feels more like jagged, solid granite. All the stretching and repositioning in the world offers no relief beyond what seems like mere seconds.

The first three days I average 2 or 3 hours sleep per night (of the 6 hours we are allotted). Still each morning I awake refreshed and eager to start anew, only to find myself utterly defeated physically on the walk back to my room at 9:00 p.m. Hobbling back like some kind of brand new Frankenstein’s creation, with lower limbs belonging to others’ bodies,  —hips, thighs, calves, ankles and feet, each stolen from a different dead and useless body, and now uncertain how to synchronize.

As I toss and turn in my now-too-small sleeping bag, I plot my escape. Maybe I’ll sneak over to the farm next door and ask for help, although that will entail trespassing on the “male only” pathways.

Or perhaps some kindly fisherman training his dog on the manmade lake across the way will lend me his cell phone and I will call my husband to come and rescue me. I’ll have to make this move during the day, when the gates are open to accept UPS and such deliveries.

The woman I chatted with at orientation mentioned that her mother feared she was headed to cult brainwashing by attending this retreat. We laughed uproariously at the time. But, as I lie on the thin mattress, suffering from sleep deprivation and ruing that I didn’t bring my favorite pillow from home, I think of those people who died while participating in a 120 degree (Fahrenheit) sweat lodge retreat in Arizona…  had they said to themselves, stay just a bit longer?  At what point is painful discomfort no longer dismissible? ...And then there were those Kool-Aid deaths in Jonestown? Just to be safe, I resolve to skip the evening tea breaks. I’ll hydrate with the water I brought from home. I drift off…

Part of the next evening discourse is about the the “surgery” we have begun on our brains. “Sometimes,” the teacher says, "people are tempted to quit at this time. But, no one would walk out in the middle of brain surgery!”  (Dave, my dear brother, if you’ve scanned the previous sentence, I did NOT have brain surgery.) I resolve to stay to the finish...  or, at least for one more day... for tonight... for now...

In the meditation hall next morning I have the distinct feeling that, indeed, I belong here. Only with some other more flexible, resilient and younger body than the one I’m in now. I look at the back of the woman seated in front of me. And in the dark and from the back she could easily be a Tibetan nun, or maybe a cloistered Catholic nun. You know, I think, a monastic life might not be so bad… I hear a man loudly snoring on the opposite side of the hall... 

I sink deeper into each meditation. It’s easier when you’ve fewer distractions: no phone, no texts, no books, no pencil or paper, no one to talk to, and you do have staff who have planned and prepared all of your meals.

During my interview with the teacher I tell him that I have been diligently, ardently, patiently and persistently (using the words of the discourse) practicing my meditation. I tell him that indeed, as I beckon my mind to stand and simply observe my breath, my bare naked breath, softly inhaling and exhaling, that she, my mind, does as I bid. When she wanders, I call her back. She willingly returns, a bit more willingly, it seems, each time. Until I reach a point that I feel that maybe she, the mind, is the one who is always there and it is me that is off wandering. When I wander and return to my breath, she’s already there waiting, saying, “I’m right here, Toots. Where’ve you been?”

“So which one is me? Who is the observer? And who is the wanderer?” I ask my teacher.

But, I already know. It came to me as I lay wide awake the night before, listening to the constant re-quenching of my friend, my roommate, and now trained to be my meditation timer, the toilet.

I use my rudimentary understanding of how the brain works to rationalize that it is probably the insula, tucked away in the recesses of my brain, who oversees my consciousness, the place where my matter meets my mind.

I name her Alice-Nee (insula backwards), but the naming is strictly for writing purposes. She needs no name. She and I share the witnessing of sensations with no language, no images.

So as I tiptoe deeper into myself, Alice-Nee and I begin to wear away a neural pathway, kind of a shortcut to one another. I take her hand, or she takes mine, I’m never quite sure, but together we watch the simple miracle of our shared breath in serene calmness and wondrous enjoyment, or until one of us gets distracted.

One day I watch her take her usual shortcut home and sure enough she hops over a fence and heads straight to the insula. Apparently she has two places, one in each hemisphere. Perhaps one is her getaway condo, or something.

My daily meditation continues after the retreat. One day, as I finish meditation, I challenge Alice-Nee, “Give me a sign, some sign that you are observing, that you are ever present, even when I am not meditating. Do that sometime today, please.”

A few hours later, when I’ve all but forgotten my request, comes the sign. It’s a sure indication that she is always alert and like a security camera, constantly running. Oh, but she’s a clever one that Alice-Nee.

Then later comes another sign, a sign from a time long ago when I was 17 years old. I hadn’t thought about this incident for years, but I recognize and now understand how I made a "gut” decision and that she was there, steering me in the right direction. It turns out Alice-Nee can time travel. She is in the past, yet she knows the future.

I wonder if there are occasions where I did not heed her subtle guidance.

I recall sitting in a overpacked gymnasium ten or more years back, watching and listening to Thich Nhat Hanh. I hear the meditation gong. "Picture your mother as a young child," he instructs well over 5,000 of us, spilling out of the gym and onto the campus. He pauses, then, "Picture your mother running and playing as young children do... (pause) Breathe in..."

How many times has Alice-Nee tried to be my compass? "Go. Go my child. Yes, this is a good direction for you..."

And still later, the very same day that I direct a challenge to Alice-Nee, I walk into my yard. There she reminds me that I have designed, toiled, hand dug, planted and filled a meditation garden, an area I dubbed “the sanctuary,” long before I began to mediate. I am standing in it right now, at this moment, and this moment, and this moment...

The signs continue throughout the day, seemingly in a torrent. Until I say, "Okay, alright already... Enough, I get it, Alice-Nee."

As a child I’d wished for a guardian angel, or maybe some tiny being I could discretely tuck into my pocket and carry with me everywhere I went, a witness to my life, someone who completely understands me, someone who knows the real me, my smoothness and my non-smoothness.

Who knew I’d such a companion the whole time?

Meet Alice-Nee.

Scenes from my sanctuary garden

Finally in the morning light,
Laughter fills the air:

They were friends from the start.

 Hakuin Ekaku

“We carry within ourselves the direction our lives will take. Within ourselves burn the timeless, fateful stars.” 

― Antal Szerb

While meditating we are simply seeing what the mind has been doing all along. 

– Allan Lokos

Nowhere can man find a quieter or more untroubled retreat than in his own soul.

– Marcus Aurelius

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Heavens to Murgatroyd

My Dream: August, 2017

My older son and his family, who reside 1,000 miles away, appear at our home, the home of Darling Husband and mine. Except it isn’t our current home, it is the home we lived in six years ago, the home in which our son grew up. 

“Good news, Mom and Dad, we are moving back to the home area.” Even though in my mind this should be the best news ever, my immediate dream reaction is not one of joy. “Wha…, wait…Are —are you certain?” I stammer as my super-powered dream brain has instantly compiled a list of all the pros and cons of leaving the area in which he, our lovely daughter-in-law and adored grandchildren live.

Cons: I worry about the job market here as opposed to their current area. I wonder if the grandchildren will find a suitable swim team to replace their club. And that the area in which they all reside is practically unparalleled, and that our grandchildren’s present school system is maybe a better education opportunity, and that they all will lose their wonderful network of friends, and the “and thats” go on…

The only real pro is that they will be closer in proximity to us.

They are where they belong. And we belong where we are.

Then I take notice that my son and his lovely family are sort of hovering and that I view them with a slight blur, as if they are behind a translucent film. It reminds me of the old black and white films when the cinematographers put petroleum jelly, or something, on the camera lens to soften the faces of movie stars. It’s has some sort of halation effect. 

I realize that I am in heaven. And that heaven (for me anyway —you can find your own heaven) is a realm where everyone I love is nearby yet in their own space, tailored just for them. Darling Husband and I can look in on our loved ones or visit, but remain in our own heavenly space, created by us and for us.

Yes, heaven for me is all of my loved ones happily existing in their own heavenly bubble.

I wake up with a feeling of contentment.


Darling Husband and I usually make an annual trip to visit our Virginia family, sometimes two trips if there is a special event, like a graduation or some such celebratory event. (They in turn make an annual visit to our home.) Only once have DH and I flown for our visit, as we much prefer to drive. We try to make a three day trip out, allow for extra time to scamper about exploring the east coast states and then another three day trip back to the Heartland.

We’ve made a theme of our travel. One year we visited every brewery/distillery we could on the way out and numerous antique stores all the way back.

Another year we visited abbeys and convents. They often have gift shops, open chapels, and beautiful grounds upon which to stroll and meditate.

Often we’ll look for national and state parks that feature hiking trails, many with beautiful vistas or the healing aromatic wash of a forest.

A few states we’ve visited have retail/ exhibition centers that feature fine visual arts, crafts, musical instruments, food products and even musical or performance presentations all created or presented by local artisans, like the not-to-be-missed Tamarack in Beckley, West Virginia.

Small town libraries are fun to visit and a Carnegie library is a must-stop.

Caverns have a mystique that has drawn us. (Although maybe not so much after following our GPS to a family-owned cave, where three teenagers lolled on the front porch of the address given on Trip Advisor. When we asked if we were at the correct location, one of the teens glanced up from her SmartPhone and yelled, “Ma, there’s someone here to see the cave!”)

Or the wild horses all the way from Assateague Island down to Shackleford Island.

Our last trip’s theme was “used book stores” and we found some great ones, a couple of favorites being Poor Richard’s in Frankfort, Kentucky and Taylor Books in Charleston, West Virginia.

One week after we returned from our last trip we discovered a “new” used bookstore, practically in our own backyard (if you consider 20 or so driving miles your own backyard,) Voices Book Nook in Freeport, Illinois. Proceeds from their sales provide free support services for families and individuals for the treatment and prevention of domestic violence and sexual assault and abuse in Stephenson County, Illinois.

We donate as well as purchase from this store. Win-win.

And now that I think about it, as I stroll through the Book Nook, I am indeed in my own “heavenly bubble.” Perusing, choosing, picking up and holding books in my hand, books that I will take home with me, much as I did as a child at the Bezazian Library in Uptown Chicago. But, now I have Darling Husband nearby; and my loved ones are comfortable ensconced in their own heavenly bubbles, —bubbles that DH and I can visit on occasion…

:|  [sharp intake of breath]  If you read my blog and you happen to know me, can you let me know if you have seen me lately?? For perhaps I have, indeed, died and gone to heaven…


"Slumber, watcher, till the spheres,
Six and twenty thousand years
Have revolv'd, and I return
To the spot where now I burn.
Other stars anon shall rise
To the axis of the skies;
Stars that soothe and stars that bless
With a sweet forgetfulness:
Only when my round is o'er
Shall the past disturb thy door.”

—H. P. Lovecraft

a section of Voices' Book Nook

Poor Richards Books in Frankfort Kentucky (you often find a cafe adjacent a good used bookstore)

Taylor Books in Charleston West Virginia (cafe within)

Books packed for donation and waiting to be chosen and re-read by someone else

Book Nook's "literature" section

If there is some great book from my past that I have missed I can usually find it here

Book Nook stands alone in the middle of an abandoned shopping mall
(& next time I visit I will take a photo of the mall entrance, then add & update this post)

Book Nook's Shakespeare section

Darling Husband perusing nearby

Banned books display :)

Sunday, January 21, 2018

He would be 89 years old this month…

I'd so wanted to write something last week about the inspirational Martin Luther King, Jr. But, how does one begin to find the proper words and then to combine those words in an emotionally significant manner to laud one so iconic?

I had this vague idea that I would begin my post with our five-year-old daughter excitedly bounding into the house to tell us, Sweet Husband and I, of the great person about whom her kindergarten teacher had spoken, “Martin Luther, the King” —her phrase so endearing to us at that moment that we still, smilingly, use it to this day.

And then I thought I would segue into a eulogy I'd heard. A highly-regarded attorney friend (caucasian) known for his eloquence, “borrowed” (his word, not mine) a quote from MLK to describe his personal feeling at his long-suffering mother’s death. He hijacked this as his closing statement: “...free at last, free at last, thank God almighty, (we are) free at last.”

And how there I sat there, in church, with a bitter taste of resentment forming at the back of my throat at my friend’s misappropriation of that quote. Like swallowing tainted food, it just didn’t sit right with me and does not to this day.

Then I might mention Martin Luther King, Jr’s education. Starting with his graduation from high school at the age of fifteen (the age where I sat zoned out in my high school sophomore history class, engulfed in a wash of ennui and staring blankly out the window.)

And how in 1948 he received a Bachelor of Arts degree from Morehouse College in Atlanta, and then in 1951 a second degree from Pennsylvania’s Crozer Theological Seminary as the elected president of a mostly caucasian senior class.

At the age of 26 he became “Dr.” King when he earned a PhD at Boston University.

When he was thirty-five years old Dr. King became the youngest male recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize. He chose to donate his prize money of $54,000+ to assist in the continuation of his non-violent civil rights movement.

Would I then, I wonder, mention the spiritual revelation he experienced as the result of a threatening telephone call he received on January 27, 1956? Or, the explosion heard blocks away from his home, it’s epicenter, just three days later:

“Your house has been bombed.” 
I asked if my wife and baby were all right. 
They said, “We are checking on that now.” 
—(Stride Toward Freedom: The Montgomery Story, Martin Luther King, Jr.)

And would I include something about the burned cross he found on the lawn of his new house in April 1960?

I’m quite sure I would finish things up with his assassination using something like the poetic lyrics from U2’s “Pride (In the Name of Love):

Early morning April four 
shot rings out in the Memphis sky 
Free at last, they took your life 
They could not take your pride

He was 39 years old.

2018 marks the 50th anniversary of his death.

He was 39 years old,

He * was *  39 *  years *  old.


But the busyness of life, as it frequently does, ate away at my writing time… a nibble here, a bite there and before you know it, it has all but disappeared.

This day Sweet Husband and I are “on call.” Our almost four-year-old grandson, offspring of our “Martin Luther, the King” daughter, may or may not be ill. Daughter, son-in-law and grandson, live away —a two-hour commute. We have volunteered to drive into the city and care for Grandson, if he is too ill for preschool/daycare.

Concerned about Grandson’s reported low-grade fever, lethargy and disinterest in food, SH and I have readied overnight bags. We are prepared to dash out at 6 a.m., if needed. Like Minutemen, we are readily mobile and quickly deployable.

While I could not carve a slice of time for myself, I’ve instantly put aside all obligations to await word about the status of our little guy.

As I wait, I type. I look up and notice our digital photo frame, a gift from our “Martin Luther, the King” daughter. She gave it to us fully loaded with photos of our family throughout the years.

The frame sits in our living room and is triggered by motion. So on occasion I pass it or move in such a way that I trip the sensor. Out of the corner of my eye I will notice the display light and a photo of my past will flash before my eyes, the start of a slideshow.

Quite often I am in the photos and they are of moments that, for whatever reason, are not stored in my memory bank. I don’t remember that! And yet I recognize the photo as somewhere I probably would have been or some activity in which I might well have partaken.

Where was my brain on that occasion? Why did it not register this particular moment? I’ve a pretty good memory, so how do I not remember this scene? Can a person be so absorbed, comfortably ensconced in a moment that they miss it? No, more likely I was thinking ahead to some chore that needed tending or perhaps ruminating over some past disappointment. Tsk, such a waste to not be in the moment…

They say that your “life flashes before your eyes” when you die.

If so, what will my life show me?

Will it be similar to the ever-changing slideshow I have now in my living room?

Will I be able to fast forward through events I consider unimportant? —like my sophomore history class? "Alexa, skip."

Will I be able to hit a “slo-mo” or “repeat” button to savor treasured significant occasions?

—my oldest son playing Für Elise at his piano recital? 
—reading and re-reading my middle child’s written words?
—my 3rd and youngest child gracefully scoring a soccer goal?
—my husband’s sweet temperament?
—laughing uproariously with family and friends?
—all of the people who’ve motivated and inspired me?
—the birth and gift of each of my grandchildren?
—will I see myself baking and gardening and reading books?
surely I will see each of my three children’s first smiles.

Will the snapshots be in sequence??


And then I wonder: What did Martin Luther King, Jr. view as his life flashed before his eyes?

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. removing a burned cross from his front lawn, with his son at his side


“The mortal heart of Martin Luther King was stopped by an assassin’s bullet. But no power on earth can stop his work.”

—Rev. Ralph D. Abernathy