Elgin Mental Health Center
PATIENT: Rae S*****
DATE: 08-16-2014
[Cough] Ahem…, What is your name?
Rae S*****.
And Ms. S*****, what is your date of birth?
July 17, 1952… er, 1965.
Who is the current president of the United States?
Barack Obama
Who was the president before him?
George W. Bush
Subtract 3 from 20 and keep subtracting 3 from each new number, all the way down.
Sure, but wouldn't it be better if I begin by subtracting 3 from 21. Because if I begin with 20, I'll end up with a negative number at the end, unless you want me to stop at two--
Ms. S*****, do you know why you are here?
Yes. This is a home for crazy old people and you're giving me a mental acuity assessment. You want to determine if I'm mentally fit to continue living independently. And I am, you know… mentally competent, I mean, not old.
That determination will be made by a team of certified professionals, Ms. S*****. Now, one of your children told us that you have some food products in the home that are well past the "use by" date--
Which one?! Was it the middle child? You know I told her I was sorry that I'd forgotten her birthday the past two years, but--
Ms. S*****, it is not important who gave us this information, only that this information is accurate--
Or was it my older son? I seem to remember him going through my spice cabinet recently. I told him that those 'best used by' dates are mere suggestions--
Ms. S*****, do you understand how your inability to maintain a safe home environment could be symptomatic of a more serious mental impairment?
No, I didn't. I mean, it's not like I aspire to be the President, or a psychiatrist, like you, or something--
Ms. S*****. I'd like to continue our conversation regarding --
By the way, how's the food here?
Ms. S*****, your grandson says that you called him no less than four different names before you were able to correctly recall his name.
Your husband tells us that you recently drove your car into your neighbors driveway, seemingly unable to differentiate it from your own driveway.
Oh, so he's the one behind this is he? Listen, between you and me and the lamppost, I may have had a couple of glasses of chardonnay. And in case he blabbed about it, they never proved that I was the cause of that power outage. Besides, my brother-in-law said that as long as I dug only six to eight inches deep next to the underground electric power box I'd be fine.
Ms. S*****, I understand you were recently seen walking the streets with garish makeup and colored streaks in your hair--
I was playing beauty shop with my granddaughter. How was I to know she was using semi-permanent--
What is this called?
A pencil, looks like a number two. Say, you're rather tense, Doc. And I notice that you bite your fingernails and grind your teeth. So do I. You know,--
My personal habits are not of relevance--
Bet you've got tinnitus, too.
What is this called?
You asked me that one already, remember Doc? It's a pencil. Oops, you broke it. Holding it a bit tightly I suspect--
Please spell the word 'world' backwards.
D-L-R-O-W. Say, are you getting sufficient sleep? You look a little tired. It could be one of the central causes of your nervousness. Now, I know in my case--
Ms. S*****, thank you. This examination is over. You may go.
Thanks, Doc. Have a nice day!